Platinum Sponsor
- Booth
- 5m width, 3m depth, 2.5m height
- Leather set, 2 large sofas and 2 small sofas
- 1 bars Table
- 2 bar stools
- 50 inch screen
- 4 power outlets
- Magazine
- internal ads
- Seminars and conference
- Daily speakers in conference
- Lunch and coffee breaks
- 4 invitation to a coffee break throughout two days
- 4 invitations to attend lunch
- 4invitations Closing Ceremony
Special features
- Online customer database and a database containing actual attendance
- Your company logo on our website in a special place
- Company description and contact details on our website
- Posting company designs on Our Event social media channels
- Special gifts can be distributed to customers upon registration. The sponsor provides gifts and brochures
- a variable banner on event site in addition to changing banners inside event website